
For a Better World,
Beyond Any Borders

“Ever-lasting war”, “Deeply-rooted discrimination and hatred”, “Severe poverty without exit”… We see a plethora of such headlines on media as if the whole world is covered only with sadness. The truth is, however, there are people who do live with lots of joy and hope even under such a harsh reality, while holding sadness and fear. Whatever the way, everyone is connected to the world. Thus, we believe that we can share difficulties of others and help each other hand in hand.

Dialogue for People aims to be a storyteller of those who confront difficulties in a vulnerable area with all means of media—photo, essay, movie, music…etc. We go into the region, talk with people and share their difficulties with others who live in the same era, together on earth.

We create opportunities for people to start thinking of social issues which may seem to be happening too far away to take any action, and for every one of them to find their own role in order to solve the problems.

Concept / Our Position

Those who are
concerned with
the difficulties
/life danger


Receivers of
such information
from D4P

Activities and Programs

  • Interview
    on site
  • Article writing,
    Publicity activities
  • Presentation,
  • Education program
    for the youth

Reporting theme

Reporting on global issues for a more
equitable world.



Make A Donation
For a Better World, Beyond Any Borders

Please Support

Your donation will be used effectively and will contribute to our interview activities, local support activities and projects, operating cost.

Donate now

Code of Conduct

*The conduct is what D4P takes into consideration in practicing all the projects. Below is the part of them.